Projet Langues en danger

Un projet pour contribuer à la préservation et à la documentation des langues dans le monde

Aidez-nous à améliorer la qualité des données

Members of communities whose languages are endangered, linguists and other scholars, persons involved in language revitalization or language documentation projects, and anyone with specific knowledge of particular languages are invited to submit suggestions that can build and improve the site. Specifically, we are looking for knowledgeable people to:

  • Add new content that is relevant to language revitalization work and those interested in the languages, such as word and phrase lists, images, audio and video recordings, works describing the structure of the languages, dictionaries, best practices and other relevant links;
  • Make suggestions for adding to or correcting existing information, such as statistics and background information for a language you have in-depth knowledge about.

There are two main places where you can share your language information: to individual language pages and the Resources area.


Each language on this site has a dedicated page. If you have knowledge about a specific language*, you can help build and improve that language's page. First find the language page using the map or search.

  • The Description tab on the language page gives an overview and statistics related to that language's vitality. You can suggest changes to most of the data, such as spelling and variations of the language name, number of speakers and linguistic classification. Simply roll over any information you'd like to update and click on 'suggest a change'. Your suggested changes will be verified and, if accurate, the page will be updated.
  • The Resources tab is where you can submit materials related to specific languages. For example, to share an audio recording of plant names in Navajo, you would navigate to the Navajo page, click on the "Resources" tab, and then click the "Submit Resources" button on the right-hand side of the page.

*Note that if you don't find the language you are looking for, you can suggest a language here.

Resources Area

The Resources Area is where you can share tools, materials, best practices and other resources that are not language-specific, but can be used by anyone involved in language documentation and revitalization work. Resources can be in the form of documents, videos, audio files, images, or links. Types of resources to share in the Resources Area are:

  • Language documentation resources for communities and linguists doing language documentation and archiving work
  • Language learning and teaching resources for communities and individuals involved in language revitalization efforts
  • Information about technology that can be used for language documentation and revitalization
  • Personal statements about your own or your community’s language revitalization efforts
  • Notices, advice and information about how to obtain funding to support language documentation and revitalization work

Other ways to participate are by submitting your comments and feedback or joining the Alliance for Linguistic Diversity.

Getting Started

To contribute to the site you will need to create a user profile. Create your account here. Once you have a profile you can add content and suggest changes.

Note that you will need to have the appropriate permissions to upload content. Read the full content guidelines here.